Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Running a mile

At Kaia this morning, it was fit test time. Basically, we do as many of a specific exercise as we can in one minute. We did speed squats, jumping jacks, push-ups, pull-ups, and more. Then we got to run a mile. I ran for almost the whole mile, with just a few short walk breaks. My mile time was 10 minutes and 45 seconds, which is faster than I thought I could do. If I can keep that pace on Sunday, I'll be very happy with my 5k time. Of course, I realize that running 5k requires more endurance and so my miles will probably be slower. That's okay. I'd like to do it in 35 min. or less, which I think I can do, but if I don't, at least I will have completed my first 5k. It's okay if it's slow; I just need to finish.

I'm not doing too great with the nutrition plan today. I ate the rest of the chocolate bar that I had leftover from yesterday, and I was still craving something sweet. So I looked in my cabinet, and decided to have a banana. Then I saw that I had some leftover dried coconut from yesterday's dinner. I thought I'd try dipping the banana in coconut. It was delicious! And it satisfied my "sweet" craving. I'm proud that I came up with it myself, and it worked out well. We're supposed to be snacking on veggies, but I really don't like veggies very much, and I love fruit, and I need the calories from fruit, so I figure it's okay. Besides, fruit is far better than chips, cookies, and other junk-snack food. However, the problem with the banana was that it was fairly filling, so it's 3:00 and I haven't had lunch yet (I'm going to eat lunch as soon as I'm done writing this). Since we're supposed to eat dinner before 6, I'm not sure how that's going to work. It doesn't help that I have to be at OFA tonight and therefore can't cook dinner (not to mention that they have some yummy but bad for you snacks there!). I think I'll just have a smoothie in place of the meal, then get back to the plan tomorrow. Really, my ideal plan would be two large meals a day with plenty of small snacks in between, but with all of the veggies that I'm eating, that won't give me enough calories.

I know it's strange that I'm more worried about eating enough than eating too much, but I really don't need to lose weight. I'm skinny already; I just want more lean muscle, strength, and definition. Being skinny is not synonymous with being fit - I've been skinny all my life, but never up until a year ago could I even be considered remotely fit. Being fit to me means having strength, endurance, and flexibility, and being happy with your body. What is your definition of "fit?"

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