Monday, April 30, 2012

First Day of Kaia!

So I started bright and early this morning with Kaia class. Surprisingly, I woke up before my alarms, so my fears of oversleeping were overblown! Man, that class kicked my butt! I'm glad I did a session before the boot camp, otherwise I don't know how I would have survived this morning. :-) We had stations, and each station had three different exercises, and included cardio moves and strength-building exercises.

I am sore all over and I'm sure I'll be even more sore after tomorrow's workout.

The other difficult thing is that this class comes with a nutrition component. I'm trying to follow it, but sometimes it's hard. Today, I had a doctor's appointment, and this doctor keeps a bowl of wrapped Hershey's chocolates in her office. Well, I knew that I wouldn't be able to resist, but instead of eating the low-quality chocolate, I bought myself a small organic chocolate bar from Whole Foods. I ate half of it. The other half is hiding in the back of the refrigerator - I know I'm going to give in eventually (my goal is to wait until Wednesday to eat it), but I can't throw chocolate away. It would just be wrong. And I figure that if my only sweet for the day is half a chocolate bar, I'm doing pretty good. Besides, I really don't want to lose weight, so I need the extra calories. Granted, I'm sure I could get them from something healthier...but it's better to give in to the craving with a small piece of chocolate than to deny the craving and end up bingeing on junk food.

I cooked dinner tonight for the first time in a long beans with coconut and quinoa. It was pretty good - I like green beans, and I like coconut, and there's some left over for tomorrow (although Sean might get up in the middle of the night and eat it). I had a salad for lunch - lettuce, spinach, and cucumber with garlic, pine nuts, and lemon juice. That was not as delicious...I'm not a big fan of salads. Unfortunately, lunch for this whole week is salads, so I'll just have to get used to eating them. Besides, they are really good for you (as long as you don't add high-fat dressing, which I don't like anyway).

Other than the chocolate, though, I followed the nutrition plan for the most part today. I'm going to do a short (twenty-minute) indoor workout this evening, just to add to the benefits that Kaia's giving me.

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