Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tired today...

The three-day weekend spoiled me - getting up for Kaia this morning was really tough. But I did (yay me), and we did a mostly outdoor workout, which was fun. I like working out outside as long as it's not too hot. After Kaia, I went for a run - I wanted to see if running in the morning before it got hot would be easier, and it was. Unfortunately, my knee started hurting about halfway through, so I had to stop and walk part of it.

I had to go to the store this morning, and since I did Kaia *and* went for a run, I got myself a donut. It's just too hard to go to the store in the morning and not get one! I think it's okay as long as it's an occasional indulgence rather than an everyday treat. When Sean came home from work and saw that I had a donut, he recommended that I give him half because it's unhealthy. Of course, he really just wanted half of it...or even better, a whole one.

I also went for a short walk this morning because I had some errands to take care of. This afternoon I ended up taking a nap...I was just so tired! This evening I was busy with OFA stuff; which is always fun. Hopefully I'll sleep well tonight and be less tired tomorrow!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Sorry about the hiatus...

So I know it's been a while since I posted, but I will do my best to write a new entry at least twice a week. I've been struggling the past few weeks - I've felt sluggish and like I can't run as much as I could before. Part of it is that the heat really bothers me, so I'm going to try to get my runs in early in the morning. I'm also going to ask Sean to run with me to help with the motivation. He can't run with me tomorrow because he'll be at work, but he should be able to join me on Thursday for a run. I think that having someone to run with will really help.

Kaia had its first swim class last week, and I'm really glad that I went. Eventually (not this year) I want to do a triathlon, so I'll need to work on my swimming to make that a reality. However, I had never really learned to swim before, or if I did, I don't remember it. Sure, I could doggy paddle, and I knew the basic strokes, but until last week I was never really able to swim laps. So I'm happy to be learning something new, and I like the feeling of accomplishment. It's also a really good way to cross-train with running because it's so easy on the joints.

Today, Sean and I went for a 35 minute walk to the food co-op and back. I didn't really need anything, but the walk was good and I like going to the co-op. Tonight I'm busy with volunteer stuff, so I won't be getting much exercise.

Oh, and the highlight of my week last week (not related to fitness, but still very cool): Kal Penn came to Reno for OFA and I got to drive him around. It was really cool to get to know him and hear about the issues that he's interested in. He's really smart, funny (obviously), and he was also really nice. I was worried that I wouldn't have anything to talk about with him, since I hadn't seen any of his movies, but that wasn't a problem - we're both politically passionate so that gave us plenty to talk about. After meeting him, I did watch Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, just so I could say that I've seen one of his movies, but I'm happy that I waited until after meeting him before watching the movie, so I could get to know him and not have any preconceptions based on who he is in the movie. I also felt bad that he had to cram himself into my little car - at one point, I was driving him and two staffers around. My car was not designed for that many people! Don't get me wrong, I love my car, but it is very much a small-person car, and is best for no more than two people. But it was a really neat experience...how many people can say that they've been a driver for a day for a famous actor? :-)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Today's Exercise

So, I somehow banged up my knee yesterday. It was pretty sore last night and this morning (just the right knee, the left was fine). Sean didn't want me to go to Kaia, but I didn't want to mess up my perfect attendance. So I went, but I told the coaches that I was taking it easy because of the sore knee. I didn't do any running or jumping or anything else that was high-impact.

One thing that was hard about that was watching other people run and jump. For some reason, I really like sprinting, and there was one station where we did that today. Of course, I couldn't sprint; I had to walk - and watching everyone else sprint was difficult. I'm used to being able to do things like that, but I didn't want to hurt my knee more and end up getting a worse injury. I was really careful, and when I came home I iced the knee and let it rest for a while.

Tonight, the knee is feeling much better. I'm not wearing the knee brace, but I am trying to avoid high-impact activities. Sean and I went for a walk this evening, which was nice, although I had to walk a little slower than usual. I also did some strength exercises - again, I avoided anything that put stress on the knee. Tomorrow, I think I'll try to do high-impact activities for one round, and then take it easy for the next few rounds (of whatever we end up doing). Of course, if my knee is sore in the morning, or if I get pain during class, I won't do any high-impact activities. I'm hoping that by Wednesday I'll be back to normal and be able to do all of the exercises...but if I'm not, that's okay. Like I said, I'd rather take it easy now than push myself too far and end up seriously damaging the knee.

I had a pretty good day nutrition-wise - oatmeal for breakfast, smoothie with protein for lunch, and the Cucumber Pesto Salad for dinner. I did cheat a little bit with the salad - I added some parmesan cheese, which made it way better! I'm still not at the point where I like salad, but it's easy to make and very healthy, so I'll eat it.

Have you ever injured yourself while exercising? How long did it take you to heal?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

1st 5k!

This morning I ran my first 5k. I got there about an hour early, which really wasn't necessary - half an hour or even fifteen minutes would have been fine (but now I know that). But I got to see the marathon start, and I hung out with some Kaia girls (they were wearing Kaia t-shirts, so I just went up and said hi!). It was very cold this morning, so hanging out for an hour wasn't very fun. Of course, once we started running I warmed up pretty quickly.

I ran the entire first mile in about ten and a half minutes, which was too fast. It's a common mistake, and no matter how many times someone tells you that you need to go slowly, you don't realize how slowly until you actually race. After the first mile, some of the Kaia girls who were not running were handing out water, so it was good to see them and have someone cheering for me. :-) The second mile was tough - I took several walk breaks, but I still ran about half of it. The crowd had thinned out considerably by the time we reached the turnaround point, which helped a little bit. Then, when I hit the third mile, I ran most of it - I figured it was the last mile, and I did some sprinting once I got near the finish line. My goal was to complete the 5k in under 35 minutes, and I just did that (according to my watch, at least) by finishing in 34:50. So, not only did I finish, but I finished under my goal time and I ran about two-thirds of the way. Sean was near the finish line, so again, it felt great to have someone rooting for me! Every person who finished got a medal, so I have that, and the race t-shirt and bib, and I'm going to buy a paper tomorrow because it will have all of the results and I want to save it.

Now that I've done it, I know that I can do it again. I'm signed for one in July in Santa Cruz, then I'm doing a 10k in PA (which I will probably walk a large portion of). After we move to Boulder, I'm doing another 10k in mid-August, then I start school, so I won't have much time to train. Next summer, I'd like to complete a half-marathon.

Other than some pain in my knee, I feel fantastic. I did it! :-)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

First 5k tomorrow...

So, tomorrow is my first 5k. I'm really nervous. It's not the running that I'm worried about, it's just that I've never done this before and I know there are going to be thousands of people there (literally - there are 4000 runners alone, not counting volunteers and spectators). I'm not sure how many of those people are doing the 5k, but hopefully there won't be too many.

So I have a lot of questions, and they said on the website that they would have volunteers to assist new runners at today's expo. Well, I never had the opportunity to talk to one of these special volunteers...there were so many people there, and the race bib pick-up location was different from where we picked up the swag items...so it was very confusing. The store sponsoring the event is huge, and easy to get lost in without large crowds of people. There's a Ferris wheel inside the store - I'm not exaggerating when I say that this place is huge! (It's the only place I've ever seen an indoor Ferris wheel.) The man giving me directions to where to pick up the packet said, "Turn by the saltwater fish. If you see freshwater fish, you're going in the wrong direction." Um...how am I supposed to know the difference between saltwater and freshwater fish? Couldn't you just put up signs with arrows?

I'm going to show up early tomorrow - but how early should I show up? The 5k race starts at 7:30, and it takes me about 20 minutes to walk from my house to where the race starts. I'm thinking I'll leave tomorrow around 6, and plan to get there about an hour early, and hopefully that will be enough time. Also, what should I wear? They gave out a free t-shirt at the expo - am I supposed to wear that, or not? They also said that the event will be chip-timed - what does that mean? Does the chip start timing at the start of the race or when you cross the start line (since I'll be towards the back, I'd like to know how fast I run the 3.1 miles; not how long it took me to get to the start line)? What do I need to bring with me - is ID necessary? Also, the race bib comes with a tear-off portion at the bottom, with spaces for name, age, and address. Do I fill that out now? I feel incredibly overwhelmed right now and I wish that they would have been clearer about what to do for first-timers. Any help or advice you can offer would be much appreciated!

Have you run a race before? What advice do you have for someone running their first 5k?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Beautiful Day for Hiking

I really, really did not want to get out of bed this morning when my alarm went off. But I had planned to get a massage today and I told myself that I could only get the massage if I went to Kaia. So I got up and went...today was yoga day, although that doesn't mean that today was easy! I felt somewhat better afterwards, and I'm glad that I can say that I had perfect attendance this week. Now I just need to do this for five more weeks...

After Kaia, I went home and ate breakfast, and Sean and I went up to White's Creek to go hiking. We went for about an hour and a half, and the weather was wonderful. It was a little cool - I brought a jacket and fleece ear warmers with me and I was glad that I had - but otherwise, it was a perfect day for hiking (and I would prefer it to be a little cool rather than a little hot). We saw a couple mountain bikers, but we were out there pretty early, so we didn't run into any other hikers. I had plans for this afternoon, and Sean wanted to see the Avengers movie, so we wanted today's hike to be short. Next week we'll go on a longer hike. I don't know how many miles we went, but that doesn't really matter - what's important is that we enjoyed ourselves!

I also did some walking this afternoon, and I got a massage (I figure that I've earned it!). Sean and I went out for dinner, which wasn't so great for the nutrition plan, but I've decided that I'm going to pick what works for me from that plan and ignore the rest. This doesn't mean that I'll be eating junk food, it just means that an occasional indulgence is okay, and I'll try to watch what I eat and make sure that it's healthy food. I'm eating more fruits and vegetables, and fewer sugary foods, so that's good. I'm also trying to get some form of exercise every day, whether it's running or walking or yoga or Kaia, or a combination of those. In fact, since Kaia started, I've done additional exercise four out of the five days this week. So as long as I'm moving, it's okay for me to eat a few extra calories.

I am feeling stronger. I can do fifteen push-ups now, and I could barely do five when I started (real push-ups, not girly on-the-knees push-ups). My biceps are looking good, my stomach is getting smaller, and overall I feel like I have more energy. My legs are also feeling stronger - my calves and quads are pretty solid right now. It's great to see some results from all of this hard work!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Kaia and 2-mile run

Yesterday and today, I haven't felt very well. I've been very tired and out of sorts. Today, Sean had to drive me to a doctor's appointment because I was not feeling good enough to drive (although I felt fine when I drove to Kaia at 6 am...not sure why I was okay then but not later).

Anyway, the Kaia workout was good. There were five stations, and each station had 3-4 sets of 2-3 exercises. We had to do 20 reps of each exercise, and we had eight minutes to complete each station. Some stations were easier than others...the last one my team did was the hardest. We had to do twenty Kaia builders (similar to squat thrusts, but with a couple extra moves), among other things. I'm very glad that I did the Core session before this one, cause this session is totally kicking my butt as it is! I can't imagine how much worse it would be if I was starting with being completely out of shape and having no strength.

This evening, I still wasn't feeling good, but I went running anyway. My plan was to run for two miles. Well, I ran a mile and a half, but then stomach pain stopped me and I had to walk the last half mile. I did the two miles in 26 minutes, which isn't too bad...the first mile-and-a-half (which I ran most of) I completed in about eighteen minutes. So I didn't really run two miles, but at least I did the two miles! (I didn't really have a choice - when the stomach pain hit my car was half a mile away!) And running a mile and a half is pretty damn good, at least for me, considering that I couldn't run a quarter mile a couple months ago.

I'm hoping I'll feel better by Sunday. I'm doing the 5k no matter what, but depending on how I feel I may have to walk most of it. But if I'm feeling better, I'm going to try to run the whole way, with short walk breaks as needed. I've been ignoring the nutrition plan for the past two days - I simply haven't had the energy to make the meals, and I've had time constraints that made it difficult. And it's not like I've been eating junk food; I'm still eating healthy, even if it's not what the plan says. After all, I'm still keeping a food journal, and that makes it harder for me to eat junk. :-)

If you're a runner, do you remember how far you could run when you first started? What obstacles did you face and how did you get through them? If you're not a runner, why not?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Kaia and Yoga

This morning's workout at Kaia was difficult. The exercises themselves weren't that hard, but some of them required a minimal amount of thought...and I wasn't very awake. So I did the best I could. It was also very cold outside, so when we went outside to do push-ups and tricep dips on the benches, our hands froze (not literally, it just felt that way).

Overall, it was a good workout. Some difficult exercises - push-ups with a partner who holds your ankles and does squats was too much for us, and some easier ones. But the whole class I felt like I wasn't really with it, so today was not my best. I did my best to push through the fog, but it was difficult.

Tonight, I'm going to yoga. I'm not really looking forward to it - that "fog" feeling from this morning never really went away. I came home after Kaia and went back to bed, but that didn't help. It just feels like today is one of those days that we all have from time to time. The thing is, I do want to do yoga. I just don't want to go to a class where I'm being pushed to do more than I feel like I can today. And yes, I realize that I didn't think I could run a whole mile before yesterday, and now I know that I can. However, today is just an "off" day, so I think it's best to take it easy this evening. Regardless of how I feel, I still need to go, and I can just let Carol know that I need to take it easy tonight.

My first 5k is on Sunday! I'm excited for it. Tomorrow, my plan is to run two miles in the evening, then one mile on Friday. Saturday will be a yoga day, and then Sunday is race day! Of course, I also have Kaia tomorrow and Friday mornings. I also scheduled a massage for myself on Friday as a reward for attending every Kaia class this week. If I don't go tomorrow or the next day...then I can't get a massage. That's a good way to motivate myself to get out of bed so early!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Running a mile

At Kaia this morning, it was fit test time. Basically, we do as many of a specific exercise as we can in one minute. We did speed squats, jumping jacks, push-ups, pull-ups, and more. Then we got to run a mile. I ran for almost the whole mile, with just a few short walk breaks. My mile time was 10 minutes and 45 seconds, which is faster than I thought I could do. If I can keep that pace on Sunday, I'll be very happy with my 5k time. Of course, I realize that running 5k requires more endurance and so my miles will probably be slower. That's okay. I'd like to do it in 35 min. or less, which I think I can do, but if I don't, at least I will have completed my first 5k. It's okay if it's slow; I just need to finish.

I'm not doing too great with the nutrition plan today. I ate the rest of the chocolate bar that I had leftover from yesterday, and I was still craving something sweet. So I looked in my cabinet, and decided to have a banana. Then I saw that I had some leftover dried coconut from yesterday's dinner. I thought I'd try dipping the banana in coconut. It was delicious! And it satisfied my "sweet" craving. I'm proud that I came up with it myself, and it worked out well. We're supposed to be snacking on veggies, but I really don't like veggies very much, and I love fruit, and I need the calories from fruit, so I figure it's okay. Besides, fruit is far better than chips, cookies, and other junk-snack food. However, the problem with the banana was that it was fairly filling, so it's 3:00 and I haven't had lunch yet (I'm going to eat lunch as soon as I'm done writing this). Since we're supposed to eat dinner before 6, I'm not sure how that's going to work. It doesn't help that I have to be at OFA tonight and therefore can't cook dinner (not to mention that they have some yummy but bad for you snacks there!). I think I'll just have a smoothie in place of the meal, then get back to the plan tomorrow. Really, my ideal plan would be two large meals a day with plenty of small snacks in between, but with all of the veggies that I'm eating, that won't give me enough calories.

I know it's strange that I'm more worried about eating enough than eating too much, but I really don't need to lose weight. I'm skinny already; I just want more lean muscle, strength, and definition. Being skinny is not synonymous with being fit - I've been skinny all my life, but never up until a year ago could I even be considered remotely fit. Being fit to me means having strength, endurance, and flexibility, and being happy with your body. What is your definition of "fit?"