Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Kaia and Yoga

This morning's workout at Kaia was difficult. The exercises themselves weren't that hard, but some of them required a minimal amount of thought...and I wasn't very awake. So I did the best I could. It was also very cold outside, so when we went outside to do push-ups and tricep dips on the benches, our hands froze (not literally, it just felt that way).

Overall, it was a good workout. Some difficult exercises - push-ups with a partner who holds your ankles and does squats was too much for us, and some easier ones. But the whole class I felt like I wasn't really with it, so today was not my best. I did my best to push through the fog, but it was difficult.

Tonight, I'm going to yoga. I'm not really looking forward to it - that "fog" feeling from this morning never really went away. I came home after Kaia and went back to bed, but that didn't help. It just feels like today is one of those days that we all have from time to time. The thing is, I do want to do yoga. I just don't want to go to a class where I'm being pushed to do more than I feel like I can today. And yes, I realize that I didn't think I could run a whole mile before yesterday, and now I know that I can. However, today is just an "off" day, so I think it's best to take it easy this evening. Regardless of how I feel, I still need to go, and I can just let Carol know that I need to take it easy tonight.

My first 5k is on Sunday! I'm excited for it. Tomorrow, my plan is to run two miles in the evening, then one mile on Friday. Saturday will be a yoga day, and then Sunday is race day! Of course, I also have Kaia tomorrow and Friday mornings. I also scheduled a massage for myself on Friday as a reward for attending every Kaia class this week. If I don't go tomorrow or the next day...then I can't get a massage. That's a good way to motivate myself to get out of bed so early!


  1. Yay Kate! You are amazing and are going to destroy that 5K. Wish I could run with you! It's funny -- I feel that although we are a continent apart, we're still a little like twins. I have been trying to exercise everyday...and I mostly run and do yoga!!!! Maybe we should add in "juggle apples" at least once a week for good measure ;)

    1. I think juggling apples will have to stay a lake activity...there just aren't many apple trees around here! Btw, I love how tall our tree has grown!
