Monday, April 30, 2012

First Day of Kaia!

So I started bright and early this morning with Kaia class. Surprisingly, I woke up before my alarms, so my fears of oversleeping were overblown! Man, that class kicked my butt! I'm glad I did a session before the boot camp, otherwise I don't know how I would have survived this morning. :-) We had stations, and each station had three different exercises, and included cardio moves and strength-building exercises.

I am sore all over and I'm sure I'll be even more sore after tomorrow's workout.

The other difficult thing is that this class comes with a nutrition component. I'm trying to follow it, but sometimes it's hard. Today, I had a doctor's appointment, and this doctor keeps a bowl of wrapped Hershey's chocolates in her office. Well, I knew that I wouldn't be able to resist, but instead of eating the low-quality chocolate, I bought myself a small organic chocolate bar from Whole Foods. I ate half of it. The other half is hiding in the back of the refrigerator - I know I'm going to give in eventually (my goal is to wait until Wednesday to eat it), but I can't throw chocolate away. It would just be wrong. And I figure that if my only sweet for the day is half a chocolate bar, I'm doing pretty good. Besides, I really don't want to lose weight, so I need the extra calories. Granted, I'm sure I could get them from something healthier...but it's better to give in to the craving with a small piece of chocolate than to deny the craving and end up bingeing on junk food.

I cooked dinner tonight for the first time in a long beans with coconut and quinoa. It was pretty good - I like green beans, and I like coconut, and there's some left over for tomorrow (although Sean might get up in the middle of the night and eat it). I had a salad for lunch - lettuce, spinach, and cucumber with garlic, pine nuts, and lemon juice. That was not as delicious...I'm not a big fan of salads. Unfortunately, lunch for this whole week is salads, so I'll just have to get used to eating them. Besides, they are really good for you (as long as you don't add high-fat dressing, which I don't like anyway).

Other than the chocolate, though, I followed the nutrition plan for the most part today. I'm going to do a short (twenty-minute) indoor workout this evening, just to add to the benefits that Kaia's giving me.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ashtanga yoga

For my exercise today, I went to the morning Mysore class at the local yoga studio. For those of you unfamiliar with Mysore and Ashtanga yoga, it's a self-paced class where each student practices the same series of poses (although advanced students learn a second series) at their own pace.

Why do I practice yoga? I think it improves flexibility, strengthens the entire body, and there's savasana (resting) at the end. I like that part - it's nice to rest for a few minutes after practicing for an hour and a half! Also, I sweat more in that class than I ever have doing any other activity, so I feel like it's working. I can also see improvement fairly quickly, especially when I first began. If you practice regularly, you will get better and be able to go deeper into the poses and learn new poses. You'll also see increased muscle definition and you'll feel stronger. I love the way my arms look after practicing regularly for a few weeks!

Yoga also helps you maintain awareness of your body. When you're aware of how your body feels, you're less likely to eat too much or eat junk food, because the body doesn't feel good afterwards. Really, the idea behind it is that it tires out the body to prepare the mind for meditation - when the body is tired, it will be able to sit still for longer periods of time. Also, you use a lot of mental energy remembering which pose comes next, so it helps to stop the endless mind-chatter.

Tomorrow I start Kaia's six week Brik program. It includes nutrition, so I've cleaned out the fridge and cabinets and I got rid of all forbidden foods (or, for the ones that will keep for more than six weeks, I put them on the highest shelf in our cabinet that I can't reach without a chair). Later today I'm going to Trader Joe's to buy food for this week.

Even though I haven't had Kaia classes the past week, I've gotten used to getting up early, so I don't think it will be too hard to get myself out of bed tomorrow for the 6 am class. I have a three-pronged alarm approach (alarm clock, watch, and cell phone) so it will be very difficult to sleep through all three alarms. :-)

My first 5k is one week away! I'm looking forward to it!

Saturday, April 28, 2012


This morning, I did a three-mile run (interspersed with walking, as necessary) in 37 minutes. I'm pretty happy about that. In March, my three-mile time was 41 minutes. So I'm improving, which makes me feel good. I'm also able to run for longer distances - if I'm careful and I pace myself, I can run a half-mile without stopping to walk. Pacing myself is difficult though, because when I run, I want to run fast. Otherwise, what's the point of running? I also find it challenging to do short bouts of sprinting during my runs; it helps maintain variety and allows me to push myself.

Next weekend I'm running my first 5k here in Reno. I'm running another 5k in July in Santa Cruz, then a 10k two weeks later in Pennsylvania, then another 10k in August in Boulder. You'll notice that each race is in a different state...I didn't plan that deliberately, that's just how it worked out with my travel/moving plans this summer. I'll be in California for a meditation course beginning on June 15, then I'm heading over to my mother-in-law's house in Santa Cruz, where Sean will meet me and we'll attend a friend's wedding. After that, I'm going to PA for my ten-year high school reunion, which seems hard to believe. And once I get home from that, we'll be packing up and moving at the end of July. Our move-in date for our place in Boulder is August 2, so I'll have a couple of weeks to get settled before the second 10k.

I didn't start running until a few months ago. I decided that running would be a challenge for me, and I'm looking forward to racing this summer. I'm not quite at the point where I consider myself a "real" runner, although I suppose that anyone who runs regularly is a real runner, even if they can't run very far without stopping to walk. But I still feel kind of all the other people who are running will look at me and be able to tell that I'm not a real runner. I realize that I'm just being self-conscious, and that most of the time, those people are far more worried about how they look to me than about how I look to them.

What, in your opinion, does a "real" runner look like? Is it anyone who's running? Do you consider yourself a real runner, and how long did it take you before you started to think of yourself as one? Or is it more like being a grown-up, where you know you are one even though you don't feel like one?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Why I Love Hiking

The weather was very nice today, so I asked Sean if he wanted to go for a hike with me. It felt great to get outside and do our first hike of the year. We went to the White's Creek trail (it's in the Galena area and it's a nice hike). The weather was beautiful - sunny skies, and the temperature was just right.The creek was somewhat full, although it will probably get more full as it warms up and the snow at the higher elevations starts to melt. I feel incredibly lucky to live in a place that values its outdoor spaces.

The hike lasted for about an hour and a half (not including a half-hour stop for food, water, and rest), and I'm guessing we covered three or four miles. It was a nice relaxing hike, which was nice. It also felt great to spend some quality time with Sean - he's been so busy with school lately, it feels like we've hardly seen each other.

So, here are some reasons I love hiking:

1. The Great Outdoors. I just love being outdoors. The shining sun, the sound of the creek, birds's all so miraculous. I think that our modern lives are somewhat disconnected from nature, and that's just not right. It's not natural for humans to sit inside an office all day and in a home all night. We evolved to be outside during the daytime (except during periods of intense heat), and it feels good to get outside and explore.

2. You never know what you're going to see. I've liked hiking since before I can remember. One day, when I was 3 or 4, I saw a fawn while on a hike with my mother (the fawn was alone; I think her mother was getting her food). I don't remember this, but it's one of my mom's favorite stories, and a good life lesson: always keep an eye out for wildlife, because you might see something amazing!

3. Clearing your mind. Hiking, walking, running - basically anything where you're using your legs to propel yourself - is excellent for clearing the mind. Sometimes I can think about things from a different perspective, and it helps to solve problems or reduce the chatter in my mind. It's also a good opportunity to reconnect with someone you care about, because it's almost like a mini-vacation. You don't have any worries or cares, so you're able to relax and enjoy yourself.

4. The people (and dogs!) you meet. There were lots of people out today - mostly hikers, and some mountain bikers. Several people had their dogs with them. There was one woman who had a lab (I love labs, I think they're great dogs), and Sean and I had an opportunity to talk with her and play with her dog. It's always nice to meet other people who share your values, whether you're an environmentalist or not, I think all hikers feel a need to connect to nature, and that creates an immediate bond.

So get out there! With summer coming, the daylight is lasting longer and longer, which is excellent for hikers. And right now the temperature is not too hot, but also not too cold (however, higher elevations still have snow, so if you're in the Reno area, you'll probably want to wait a few weeks before heading up to Tahoe to hike).

In addition to hiking, I went for a short run (about a mile) this morning and then did an abs and arms workout. Tomorrow I'm planning a three mile run, so we'll see how that goes. My first 5k is less than two weeks away!

What are some of your favorite hikes?

Thursday, April 26, 2012


In my previous post, I mentioned why I want to get in shape. Now I want to share my goals to hold myself accountable for the next six weeks.

1. Run a 5k - I'm registered for the Rockin' River 5k on May 6. I'm looking forward to it. I might not be able to run the whole way, but the important thing is that I'm doing it. I'm planning another 5k in July, followed by two 10ks, one in July and one in August. I'm using Google Calendar to plan out my runs for the next six weeks, using a 5k plan that I found in Women's Running magazine.

2. Attend all Kaia classes - Starting on Monday, Kaia meets 5 days a week at 6 a.m. Getting out of bed will be difficult, but I have support. Sean's aware of my goals and will wake me up if he needs to (at least, if he's awake). I also have a couple phone numbers of girls in the Kaia class, so we can text in the morning to make sure we all get out of bed. I also am using a three-pronged approach: I have my alarm clock, my cell phone alarm, and the alarm on my watch all set to go off at 5 a.m. That will give me time to get something to eat before class.

3. Attend 2 yoga classes a week - I will be going to yoga on Wednesday or Thursday evenings depending on my schedule (it varies from week to week depending on my volunteer activities), and on Sunday mornings (if I can't make the Sunday morning class, I'll go on Saturday instead). Yoga is an excellent tool for getting in shape, and even if I just did this, I'm pretty sure that I'd have a body to be proud of after six weeks.

4. Eat healthy whenever possible. I will allow myself one "splurge" meal on weekends; otherwise I will do my best to eat whole, unprocessed foods. I have a book of smoothie recipes, and usually the smoothies have a good balance of carbs and protein to make a complete meal by themselves. That's a fairly easy and tasty meal. I also have the cookbook from Kaia that has suggestions for meals.

I know that this all sounds very ambitious, and there may be times when I screw up or when it's difficult to follow these plans. It's okay to make a mistake, as long as I can get back on track. Just yesterday, Sean wanted to go out to dinner. I thought it would be nice, but we couldn't agree on where to go - there aren't many options for healthy food when eating out. Does anyone have any suggestions for restaurants that offer healthy food? I know the Olive Garden has some decent entrees, but their desserts and breadsticks are hard to pass up! Any suggestions would be appreciated - thanks!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Why I Want to be Fit

Over the next six weeks, I'm going to face a lot of challenges. There will be times when I won't want to get up to work out at 6 a.m. There will be days when I won't feel like running, or even going for a walk. So, the question is how I am going to get through these challenges. One strategy is to remind myself of the reasons why fitness is important to me.

1. I want to enjoy life and all that it has to offer. Being fit will allow me to go on more challenging hikes, do more outdoor running, get better at kayaking, become more flexible in yoga, and may open up avenues to new adventures. I love being outdoors and all the possibilities that nature holds.

2. I want to feel good about myself. I want to feel like I can accomplish something - whether it's running my first 5k (next Sunday) or being able to do 15 push-ups (real push-ups, not on the knees). I also want to like what I see when I look in the mirror. I want to be comfortable in my own body.

3. Being fit will give me more energy. I've noticed that when I work out, I have much more energy throughout the day than when I don't. And when I have more energy, I'm also more motivated to work out.

4. Ask myself, "How will I feel after I work out? How will I feel if I skip my workout?" Most of the time, the answer is that I'll feel much better after working out.

I will also check in daily here and on Facebook to let others know what I'm up to. My plan is to go to Kaia classes 5 days a week, yoga classes 2 days a week, and run and/or walk at least three days a week. I know this sounds ambitious, but I have the time right now to improve myself, and I don't know when an opportunity like this will come again.